Collection: Michael Carlebach

Michael L. Carlebach is an American photographer and historian known for his books on the subject of early American photojournalism; American Photojournalism Comes of Age and The Origins of Photojournalism in America, as well as his photographs of south Florida and the US. He was staff photographer for the Miami Herald for a brief time and taught at The University of Miami from 1978 to 2005.

Michael Carlebach received his B.A. from Colgate University in French and Political Science in 1967. In 1980, he received his M.A. in American Studies from Florida State University, following that with a second M.A. in 1984 and a PhD in 1988 in American Civilization from Brown University.

Carlebach lived and photographed in south Florida for over three and a half decades, during which time he worked as a photojournalist for the Miami Herald as well as a staff photographer for The Village Post in Coconut Grove, FL., and as an unpaid photographer for Miami Children's Hospital’s Ventilation Assisted Children's Center sleepaway camp. When on the faculty at the University of Miami, he directed the American Studies program and chaired the Department of Art and Art History. For his contributions, he won the Wilson Hicks Conference Award, the Freshman Teaching Award, an Excellence in Teaching Award, and a Provost's Award for Scholarly Activity.

“The clamor of the unknown for their promised fifteen minutes of fame and the already famous for an extra fifteen or thirty or sixty minutes, assures photographers of a steady supply of eager and possibly even comely subjects. A long time ago, I decided to steer clear of those supercharged personae whose bluster and self-promotion guarantees plenty of attention but delivers little of substance, just noise and more noise. I look for meaning at the edges of things, avoiding the incendiary characters who bully their way into our lives whether we like it or not. The ability of so many photographers to describe in infinite detail the great events and people that occupy the media, sometimes makes it difficult to see and appreciate what is subtle, funny or poignant right in front of us. That’s my job.”
— Michael Carlebach