Collection: Josef Engelhart

Josef Engelhart - 1864–1941 - was born in Vienna, Austria, August 19, 1864.  He was a painter and sculptor who studied at the art academies in Vienna and Munich.  He traveled to Spain and Italy and spent a considerable amount of time in Paris.  Engelhart died in Vienna, December 19, 1941.

Engelhart was a co-founder of the Vienna Secession, an avant-garde group of artists who broke away from the official art academies. They hosted exhibitions which introduced Europe to new artistic movements and artists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Engelhart was included in an exhibit catalog featuring Secession works in 1909.

Engelhart was known for painting scenes and characters drawn from Viennese everyday life. Well-known sculptures which he created are the Waldmüller monument and the Borromäus fountain, both in Vienna. - Wolfs